Ends on $25.00

Please note that you will be able to apply as a general or scholarship applicant through this single application.

Instructions for Application:
   1) Fill out the questionnaire.
   2) Upload your manuscript.

Nonfiction: One essay/excerpt, 4,000 words or less. The excerpt should be from the project you plan to workshop from—double-spaced, 12pt font.

Novel: 4,000 words or less (excerpted from the novel you plan on workshopping). Double-spaced, 12pt font.

Poetry: Four poems totaling no more than ten pages. 

Short Fiction: One story, 4,000 words or less. Double-spaced, 12pt font.


  • If you have previously attended a Tin House workshop, please do not apply with the same material (different excerpts taken from a previously accepted project are acceptable).
  • Please do not apply with published material. However, it is acceptable to apply with work that is out for submission.
  • 2024 Winter Online Scholars & 2024-2025 Residents are not eligible for scholarships (but may apply as general candidates). All other previous Tin House Scholars are not eligible to apply for awards.
  • Your submitted manuscript does not have to be a complete story/chapter.
  • If accepted, you will have the opportunity to workshop a different manuscript.
  • All scholarship applicants will also be considered for general admission.
  • Applicants must be 21 years of age by the time of the workshop.


Fee Waivers
As an applicant, you will also have the ability to Pay It Forward to help cover the cost of the application fee for another writer. 

Tin House Workshops